
A bowl of low FODMAP pumpkin soup with cream

Low FODMAP Roasted Pumpkin Soup

low fodmap pompoen cheesecake -

Low FODMAP pumpkin cheesecake

Low FODMAP pumpkin energy balls in a bowl

Low FODMAP pumpkin energy balls

Low FODMAP pumpkin pasta on a plate with a blue napkin below

Low FODMAP pumpkin pasta

A gluten-free Dutch tompouce on a plate

Gluten-free Dutch tompouce

low FODMAP carrot cake banana bread -

Low FODMAP Carrot Cake Banana Bread (gluten-free and lactose-free)

Sweet potato hummus -

Sweet potato hummus (low FODMAP)

Low FODMAP Kingsday recipes

Recipes for the Dutch holiday Kingsday! On Kingsday we celebrate the birthday of our King and we love eating some orange treats. Below you can find delicious “Orange” recipes for Kingsday, such as low FODMAP Dutch tompouces and other dishes with an orange colour.