
SIBO update #5: Antibiotics treatment

SIBO update #4: A break and testing new things

A cappuccino with a heart in it

Personal update #3: Fewer complaints and eating more varied

Two people wearing jeans and sneakers

IBS-proof pants

A woman with stomach pain

Personal update #2: Lots of developments and a new SIBO diet

A laptop with pumpkins and a pineapple next to it

Personal update #1: I follow a SIBO diet

Living with IBS #3 – It’s okay

running with ibs - mijn eerste halve marathon -

Running with IBS – My first half marathon

Living with IBS - I always feel fat -

Living with IBS – I always feel fat

pain-free in 2017 - the last sessions orthomolecular physician -

Visiting an orthomolecular physician #3

Visiting an orthomolecular physician #2

Fodmap Frustrations -

My personal FODMAP Frustrations