Low FODMAP Christmas recipes

low fodmap pompoen cheesecake - karlijnskitchen.com

Low FODMAP pumpkin cheesecake

A low FODMAP vegetarian shepherd's pie in a Dutch oven

Low FODMAP vegetarian shepherd’s pie

Low FODMAP mashed potatoes on a plate with a potato masher behind it

Low FODMAP mashed potatoes

A low FODMAP ovendish with broccoli and rice

Low FODMAP broccoli rice casserole

A bowl of low FODMAP potato soup with a blue napkin and a spoon next to it

Low FODMAP potato soup

roasted pumpkin soup - karlijnskitchen.com

Low FODMAP Roasted Pumpkin Soup

low FODMAP bruschetta toppings op een plaat

3X low FODMAP bruschetta toppings

A gluten-free scone filled with jam and cream

Low FODMAP and gluten-free scones

Een schaal met gegrilde groenten

Low FODMAP oven roasted vegetables

Gluten-free quiche caprese in an oven dish

Gluten-free quiche caprese

A plate with risotto and grilled tomatoes

Low FODMAP risotto with pesto and tomatoes

A plate with low FODMAP boeuf bourguignon with spring onion on top and french fries next to it

Low FODMAP boeuf bourguignon

Three low FODMAP mini pavlovas

Low FODMAP mini pavlovas with red fruits

A bowl of low FODMAP salmorejo

Low FODMAP salmorejo

Low FODMAP pulled pork on a bun with coleslaw and fries

Low FODMAP pulled pork from the slow cooker

Low FODMAP Christmas recipes

On my blog, you’ll find delicious and festive low FODMAP Christmas recipes! Whether you want to celebrate with a traditional Christmas dinner or impress your family and friends with something new, I have tried to create something for everyone. 

Christmas starters, such as carpaccio and blinis. Christmas main courses, such as rolled pork loin and chicken cordon bleu.

Side dishes, such as crunchy roasted potatoes and potato croquettes. Finish with a beautiful dessert, such as crème brûlée, tiramisu, or pumpkin cheesecake. It’s going to be a very merry low FODMAP Christmas!

With these recipes, you can eat well without getting an upset stomach.

Your Christmas menu ready in no time

Christmas is a special time of year when families and friends gather to celebrate and enjoy each other’s company. If you’re looking for delicious, low FODMAP holiday recipes to serve your guests this holiday season, look no further. These delicious holiday recipes are perfect for those following the low FODMAP diet and guarantee a tasty meal. 

Enjoy the holidays like everybody else

With these recipes, you can enjoy the holiday season just like everyone else, whether or not you have a food intolerance. My goal is to help you to be able to enjoy food together with your friends and family. Low FODMAP holiday recipes don’t have to be boring and plain and I bet your friends and family who don’t have to eat low FODMAP will also like them! 

Most low FODMAP Christmas recipes on Karlijn’s Kitchen are also gluten-free and low in lactose, so they can be served to people with different intolerances.